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xkeyboard-config im OpenBSD Man-Page Verzeichnis:
xkeyboard-config - XKB data description files
xkeyboard-config provides the description files for the X Keyboard Extension (XKB). The configuration options below are usually applied with setxkbmap(1).
Model | Description |
pc101 | Generic 101-key PC |
pc102 | Generic 102-key (Intl) PC |
pc104 | Generic 104-key PC |
pc105 | Generic 105-key (Intl) PC |
dell101 | Dell 101-key PC |
latitude | Dell Latitude series laptop |
dellm65 | Dell Precision M65 |
everex | Everex STEPnote |
flexpro | Keytronic FlexPro |
microsoft | Microsoft Natural |
omnikey101 | Northgate OmniKey 101 |
winbook | Winbook Model XP5 |
pc98 | PC-98xx Series |
a4techKB21 | A4Tech KB-21 |
a4techKBS8 | A4Tech KBS-8 |
a4_rfkb23 | A4Tech Wireless Desktop RFKB-23 |
airkey | Acer AirKey V |
azonaRF2300 | Azona RF2300 wireless Internet Keyboard |
scorpius | Advance Scorpius KI |
brother | Brother Internet Keyboard |
btc5113rf | BTC 5113RF Multimedia |
btc5126t | BTC 5126T |
btc6301urf | BTC 6301URF |
btc9000 | BTC 9000 |
btc9000a | BTC 9000A |
btc9001ah | BTC 9001AH |
btc5090 | BTC 5090 |
btc9019u | BTC 9019U |
btc9116u | BTC 9116U Mini Wireless Internet and Gaming |
cherryblue | Cherry Blue Line CyBo@rd |
cherryblueb | Cherry CyMotion Master XPress |
cherrybluea | Cherry Blue Line CyBo@rd (alternate option) |
cherrycyboard | Cherry CyBo@rd USB-Hub |
cherrycmexpert | Cherry CyMotion Expert |
cherrybunlim | Cherry B.UNLIMITED |
chicony | Chicony Internet Keyboard |
chicony0108 | Chicony KU-0108 |
chicony0420 | Chicony KU-0420 |
chicony9885 | Chicony KB-9885 |
compaqeak8 | Compaq Easy Access Keyboard |
compaqik7 | Compaq Internet Keyboard (7 keys) |
compaqik13 | Compaq Internet Keyboard (13 keys) |
compaqik18 | Compaq Internet Keyboard (18 keys) |
cymotionlinux | Cherry CyMotion Master Linux |
armada | Laptop/notebook Compaq (eg. Armada) Laptop Keyboard |
presario | Laptop/notebook Compaq (eg. Presario) Internet Keyboard |
ipaq | Compaq iPaq Keyboard |
dell | Dell |
dellsk8125 | Dell SK-8125 |
dellsk8135 | Dell SK-8135 |
dellusbmm | Dell USB Multimedia Keyboard |
inspiron | Dell Laptop/notebook Inspiron 6xxx/8xxx |
precision_m | Dell Laptop/notebook Precision M series |
dexxa | Dexxa Wireless Desktop Keyboard |
diamond | Diamond 9801 / 9802 series |
dtk2000 | DTK2000 |
ennyah_dkb1008 | Ennyah DKB-1008 |
fscaa1667g | Fujitsu-Siemens Computers AMILO laptop |
genius | Genius Comfy KB-16M / Genius MM Keyboard KWD-910 |
geniuscomfy | Genius Comfy KB-12e |
geniuscomfy2 | Genius Comfy KB-21e-Scroll |
geniuskb19e | Genius KB-19e NB |
geniuskkb2050hs | Genius KKB-2050HS |
gyration | Gyration |
htcdream | HTC Dream |
kinesis | Kinesis |
logitech_base | Logitech Generic Keyboard |
logitech_g15 | Logitech G15 extra keys via G15daemon |
hpi6 | Hewlett-Packard Internet Keyboard |
hp250x | Hewlett-Packard SK-250x Multimedia Keyboard |
hpxe3gc | Hewlett-Packard Omnibook XE3 GC |
hpxe3gf | Hewlett-Packard Omnibook XE3 GF |
hpxt1000 | Hewlett-Packard Omnibook XT1000 |
hpdv5 | Hewlett-Packard Pavilion dv5 |
hpzt11xx | Hewlett-Packard Pavilion ZT11xx |
hp500fa | Hewlett-Packard Omnibook 500 FA |
hp5xx | Hewlett-Packard Omnibook 5xx |
hpnx9020 | Hewlett-Packard nx9020 |
hp6000 | Hewlett-Packard Omnibook 6000/6100 |
honeywell_euroboard | Honeywell Euroboard |
hpmini110 | Hewlett-Packard Mini 110 Notebook |
rapidaccess | IBM Rapid Access |
rapidaccess2 | IBM Rapid Access II |
thinkpad | IBM ThinkPad 560Z/600/600E/A22E |
thinkpad60 | IBM ThinkPad R60/T60/R61/T61 |
thinkpadz60 | IBM ThinkPad Z60m/Z60t/Z61m/Z61t |
ibm_spacesaver | IBM Space Saver |
logiaccess | Logitech Access Keyboard |
logiclx300 | Logitech Cordless Desktop LX-300 |
logii350 | Logitech Internet 350 Keyboard |
logimel | Logitech Media Elite Keyboard |
logicd | Logitech Cordless Desktop |
logicd_it | Logitech Cordless Desktop iTouch |
logicd_nav | Logitech Cordless Desktop Navigator |
logicd_opt | Logitech Cordless Desktop Optical |
logicda | Logitech Cordless Desktop (alternate option) |
logicdpa2 | Logitech Cordless Desktop Pro (alternate option 2) |
logicfn | Logitech Cordless Freedom/Desktop Navigator |
logicdn | Logitech Cordless Desktop Navigator |
logiitc | Logitech iTouch Cordless Keyboard (model Y-RB6) |
logiik | Logitech Internet Keyboard |
itouch | Logitech iTouch |
logicink | Logitech Internet Navigator Keyboard |
logiex110 | Logitech Cordless Desktop EX110 |
logiinkse | Logitech iTouch Internet Navigator Keyboard SE |
logiinkseusb | Logitech iTouch Internet Navigator Keyboard SE (USB) |
logiultrax | Logitech Ultra-X Keyboard |
logiultraxc | Logitech Ultra-X Cordless Media Desktop Keyboard |
logidinovo | Logitech diNovo Keyboard |
logidinovoedge | Logitech diNovo Edge Keyboard |
mx1998 | Memorex MX1998 |
mx2500 | Memorex MX2500 EZ-Access Keyboard |
mx2750 | Memorex MX2750 |
microsoft4000 | Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000 |
microsoft7000 | Microsoft Natural Wireless Ergonomic Keyboard 7000 |
microsoftinet | Microsoft Internet Keyboard |
microsoftpro | Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro / Microsoft Internet Keyboard Pro |
microsoftprousb | Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro USB / Microsoft Internet Keyboard Pro |
microsoftprooem | Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro OEM |
vsonku306 | ViewSonic KU-306 Internet Keyboard |
microsoftprose | Microsoft Internet Keyboard Pro, Swedish |
microsoftoffice | Microsoft Office Keyboard |
microsoftmult | Microsoft Wireless Multimedia Keyboard 1.0A |
microsoftelite | Microsoft Natural Keyboard Elite |
microsoftccurve2k | Microsoft Comfort Curve Keyboard 2000 |
oretec | Ortek MCK-800 MM/Internet keyboard |
propeller | Propeller Voyager (KTEZ-1000) |
qtronix | QTronix Scorpius 98N+ |
samsung4500 | Samsung SDM 4500P |
samsung4510 | Samsung SDM 4510P |
sanwaskbkg3 | Sanwa Supply SKB-KG3 |
sk1300 | SK-1300 |
sk2500 | SK-2500 |
sk6200 | SK-6200 |
sk7100 | SK-7100 |
sp_inet | Super Power Multimedia Keyboard |
sven | SVEN Ergonomic 2500 |
sven303 | SVEN Slim 303 |
symplon | Symplon PaceBook (tablet PC) |
toshiba_s3000 | Toshiba Satellite S3000 |
trust | Trust Wireless Keyboard Classic |
trustda | Trust Direct Access Keyboard |
trust_slimline | Trust Slimline |
tm2020 | TypeMatrix EZ-Reach 2020 |
tm2030PS2 | TypeMatrix EZ-Reach 2030 PS2 |
tm2030USB | TypeMatrix EZ-Reach 2030 USB |
tm2030USB-102 | TypeMatrix EZ-Reach 2030 USB (102/105:EU mode) |
tm2030USB-106 | TypeMatrix EZ-Reach 2030 USB (106:JP mode) |
yahoo | Yahoo! Internet Keyboard |
macbook78 | MacBook/MacBook Pro |
macbook79 | MacBook/MacBook Pro (Intl) |
macintosh | Macintosh |
macintosh_old | Macintosh Old |
macintosh_hhk | Happy Hacking Keyboard for Mac |
acer_c300 | Acer C300 |
acer_ferrari4k | Acer Ferrari 4000 |
acer_laptop | Acer Laptop |
asus_laptop | Asus Laptop |
apple | Apple |
apple_laptop | Apple Laptop |
applealu_ansi | Apple Aluminium Keyboard (ANSI) |
applealu_iso | Apple Aluminium Keyboard (ISO) |
applealu_jis | Apple Aluminium Keyboard (JIS) |
silvercrest | SILVERCREST Multimedia Wireless Keyboard |
emachines | Laptop/notebook eMachines m68xx |
benqx | BenQ X-Touch |
benqx730 | BenQ X-Touch 730 |
benqx800 | BenQ X-Touch 800 |
hhk | Happy Hacking Keyboard |
classmate | Classmate PC |
olpc | OLPC |
sun_type7_usb | Sun Type 7 USB |
sun_type7_euro_usb | Sun Type 7 USB (European layout) |
sun_type7_unix_usb | Sun Type 7 USB (Unix layout) |
sun_type7_jp_usb | Sun Type 7 USB (Japanese layout) / Japanese 106-key |
sun_type6_usb | Sun Type 6/7 USB |
sun_type6_euro_usb | Sun Type 6/7 USB (European layout) |
sun_type6_unix_usb | Sun Type 6 USB (Unix layout) |
sun_type6_jp_usb | Sun Type 6 USB (Japanese layout) |
sun_type6_jp | Sun Type 6 (Japanese layout) |
targa_v811 | Targa Visionary 811 |
unitekkb1925 | Unitek KB-1925 |
compalfl90 | FL90 |
creativedw7000 | Creative Desktop Wireless 7000 |
htcdream | Htc Dream phone |
teck227 | Truly Ergonomic Computer Keyboard Model 227 (Wide Alt keys) |
teck229 | Truly Ergonomic Computer Keyboard Model 229 (Standard sized Alt keys, additional Super and Menu key) |
Layout(Variant) | Description |
us | English (US) |
us(chr) | Cherokee |
us(euro) | English (US, with euro on 5) |
us(intl) | English (US, international with dead keys) |
us(alt-intl) | English (US, alternative international) |
us(colemak) | English (Colemak) |
us(dvorak) | English (Dvorak) |
us(dvorak-intl) | English (Dvorak, international with dead keys) |
us(dvorak-alt-intl) | English (Dvorak alternative international no dead keys) |
us(dvorak-l) | English (left handed Dvorak) |
us(dvorak-r) | English (right handed Dvorak) |
us(dvorak-classic) | English (classic Dvorak) |
us(dvp) | English (Programmer Dvorak) |
us(rus) | Russian (US, phonetic) |
us(mac) | English (Macintosh) |
us(altgr-intl) | English (international AltGr dead keys) |
us(olpc2) | English (the divide/multiply keys toggle the layout) |
us(hbs) | Serbo-Croatian (US) |
us(workman) | English (Workman) |
us(workman-intl) | English (Workman, international with dead keys) |
af | Afghani |
af(ps) | Pashto |
af(uz) | Uzbek (Afghanistan) |
af(olpc-ps) | Pashto (Afghanistan, OLPC) |
af(fa-olpc) | Persian (Afghanistan, Dari OLPC) |
af(uz-olpc) | Uzbek (Afghanistan, OLPC) |
ara | Arabic |
ara(azerty) | Arabic (azerty) |
ara(azerty_digits) | Arabic (azerty/digits) |
ara(digits) | Arabic (digits) |
ara(qwerty) | Arabic (qwerty) |
ara(qwerty_digits) | Arabic (qwerty/digits) |
ara(buckwalter) | Arabic (Buckwalter) |
ara(mac) | Arabic (Macintosh) |
al | Albanian |
al(plisi) | Albanian (Plisi) |
am | Armenian |
am(phonetic) | Armenian (phonetic) |
am(phonetic-alt) | Armenian (alternative phonetic) |
am(eastern) | Armenian (eastern) |
am(western) | Armenian (western) |
am(eastern-alt) | Armenian (alternative eastern) |
at | German (Austria) |
at(nodeadkeys) | German (Austria, eliminate dead keys) |
at(sundeadkeys) | German (Austria, Sun dead keys) |
at(mac) | German (Austria, Macintosh) |
au | English (Australian) |
az | Azerbaijani |
az(cyrillic) | Azerbaijani (Cyrillic) |
by | Belarusian |
by(legacy) | Belarusian (legacy) |
by(latin) | Belarusian (Latin) |
be | Belgian |
be(oss) | Belgian (alternative) |
be(oss_latin9) | Belgian (alternative, Latin-9 only) |
be(oss_sundeadkeys) | Belgian (alternative, Sun dead keys) |
be(iso-alternate) | Belgian (ISO alternate) |
be(nodeadkeys) | Belgian (eliminate dead keys) |
be(sundeadkeys) | Belgian (Sun dead keys) |
be(wang) | Belgian (Wang model 724 azerty) |
in | Indian |
in(urd-phonetic) | Urdu (phonetic) |
in(urd-phonetic3) | Urdu (alternative phonetic) |
in(urd-winkeys) | Urdu (WinKeys) |
in(eng) | English (India, with rupee sign) |
ba | Bosnian |
ba(alternatequotes) | Bosnian (with guillemets for quotes) |
ba(unicode) | Bosnian (with Bosnian digraphs) |
ba(unicodeus) | Bosnian (US keyboard with Bosnian digraphs) |
ba(us) | Bosnian (US keyboard with Bosnian letters) |
br | Portuguese (Brazil) |
br(nodeadkeys) | Portuguese (Brazil, eliminate dead keys) |
br(dvorak) | Portuguese (Brazil, Dvorak) |
br(nativo) | Portuguese (Brazil, Nativo) |
br(nativo-us) | Portuguese (Brazil, Nativo for US keyboards) |
br(nativo-epo) | Esperanto (Brazil, Nativo) |
br(thinkpad) | Portuguese (Brazil, IBM/Lenovo ThinkPad) |
bg | Bulgarian |
bg(phonetic) | Bulgarian (traditional phonetic) |
bg(bas_phonetic) | Bulgarian (new phonetic) |
dz | Berber (Algeria, Latin characters) |
dz(ber) | Berber (Algeria, Tifinagh characters) |
dz(ar) | Arabic (Algeria) |
ma | Arabic (Morocco) |
ma(french) | French (Morocco) |
ma(tifinagh) | Berber (Morocco, Tifinagh) |
ma(tifinagh-alt) | Berber (Morocco, Tifinagh alternative) |
ma(tifinagh-alt-phonetic) | Berber (Morocco, Tifinagh alternative phonetic) |
ma(tifinagh-extended) | Berber (Morocco, Tifinagh extended) |
ma(tifinagh-phonetic) | Berber (Morocco, Tifinagh phonetic) |
ma(tifinagh-extended-phonetic) | Berber (Morocco, Tifinagh extended phonetic) |
cm | English (Cameroon) |
cm(french) | French (Cameroon) |
cm(qwerty) | Cameroon Multilingual (qwerty) |
cm(azerty) | Cameroon Multilingual (azerty) |
cm(dvorak) | Cameroon Multilingual (Dvorak) |
cm(mmuock) | Mmuock |
mm | Burmese |
ca | French (Canada) |
ca(fr-dvorak) | French (Canada, Dvorak) |
ca(fr-legacy) | French (Canada, legacy) |
ca(multix) | Canadian Multilingual |
ca(multi) | Canadian Multilingual (first part) |
ca(multi-2gr) | Canadian Multilingual (second part) |
ca(ike) | Inuktitut |
ca(eng) | English (Canada) |
cd | French (Democratic Republic of the Congo) |
cn | Chinese |
cn(tib) | Tibetan |
cn(tib_asciinum) | Tibetan (with ASCII numerals) |
cn(ug) | Uyghur |
hr | Croatian |
hr(alternatequotes) | Croatian (with guillemets for quotes) |
hr(unicode) | Croatian (with Croatian digraphs) |
hr(unicodeus) | Croatian (US keyboard with Croatian digraphs) |
hr(us) | Croatian (US keyboard with Croatian letters) |
cz | Czech |
cz(bksl) | Czech (with <> key) |
cz(qwerty) | Czech (qwerty) |
cz(qwerty_bksl) | Czech (qwerty, extended Backslash) |
cz(ucw) | Czech (UCW layout, accented letters only) |
cz(dvorak-ucw) | Czech (US Dvorak with CZ UCW support) |
cz(rus) | Russian (Czech, phonetic) |
dk | Danish |
dk(nodeadkeys) | Danish (eliminate dead keys) |
dk(winkeys) | Danish (Winkeys) |
dk(mac) | Danish (Macintosh) |
dk(mac_nodeadkeys) | Danish (Macintosh, eliminate dead keys) |
dk(dvorak) | Danish (Dvorak) |
nl | Dutch |
nl(sundeadkeys) | Dutch (Sun dead keys) |
nl(mac) | Dutch (Macintosh) |
nl(std) | Dutch (standard) |
bt | Dzongkha |
ee | Estonian |
ee(nodeadkeys) | Estonian (eliminate dead keys) |
ee(dvorak) | Estonian (Dvorak) |
ee(us) | Estonian (US keyboard with Estonian letters) |
ir | Persian |
ir(pes_keypad) | Persian (with Persian keypad) |
ir(ku) | Kurdish (Iran, Latin Q) |
ir(ku_f) | Kurdish (Iran, F) |
ir(ku_alt) | Kurdish (Iran, Latin Alt-Q) |
ir(ku_ara) | Kurdish (Iran, Arabic-Latin) |
iq | Iraqi |
iq(ku) | Kurdish (Iraq, Latin Q) |
iq(ku_f) | Kurdish (Iraq, F) |
iq(ku_alt) | Kurdish (Iraq, Latin Alt-Q) |
iq(ku_ara) | Kurdish (Iraq, Arabic-Latin) |
fo | Faroese |
fo(nodeadkeys) | Faroese (eliminate dead keys) |
fi | Finnish |
fi(classic) | Finnish (classic) |
fi(nodeadkeys) | Finnish (classic, eliminate dead keys) |
fi(winkeys) | Finnish (Winkeys) |
fi(smi) | Northern Saami (Finland) |
fi(mac) | Finnish (Macintosh) |
fr | French |
fr(nodeadkeys) | French (eliminate dead keys) |
fr(sundeadkeys) | French (Sun dead keys) |
fr(oss) | French (alternative) |
fr(oss_latin9) | French (alternative, Latin-9 only) |
fr(oss_nodeadkeys) | French (alternative, eliminate dead keys) |
fr(oss_sundeadkeys) | French (alternative, Sun dead keys) |
fr(latin9) | French (legacy, alternative) |
fr(latin9_nodeadkeys) | French (legacy, alternative, eliminate dead keys) |
fr(latin9_sundeadkeys) | French (legacy, alternative, Sun dead keys) |
fr(bepo) | French (Bepo, ergonomic, Dvorak way) |
fr(bepo_latin9) | French (Bepo, ergonomic, Dvorak way, Latin-9 only) |
fr(dvorak) | French (Dvorak) |
fr(mac) | French (Macintosh) |
fr(azerty) | French (Azerty) |
fr(bre) | French (Breton) |
fr(oci) | Occitan |
fr(geo) | Georgian (France, AZERTY Tskapo) |
gh | English (Ghana) |
gh(generic) | English (Ghana, multilingual) |
gh(akan) | Akan |
gh(ewe) | Ewe |
gh(fula) | Fula |
gh(ga) | Ga |
gh(hausa) | Hausa |
gh(avn) | Avatime |
gh(gillbt) | English (Ghana, GILLBT) |
gn | French (Guinea) |
ge | Georgian |
ge(ergonomic) | Georgian (ergonomic) |
ge(mess) | Georgian (MESS) |
ge(ru) | Russian (Georgia) |
ge(os) | Ossetian (Georgia) |
de | German |
de(deadacute) | German (dead acute) |
de(deadgraveacute) | German (dead grave acute) |
de(nodeadkeys) | German (eliminate dead keys) |
de(T3) | German (T3) |
de(ro) | Romanian (Germany) |
de(ro_nodeadkeys) | Romanian (Germany, eliminate dead keys) |
de(dvorak) | German (Dvorak) |
de(sundeadkeys) | German (Sun dead keys) |
de(neo) | German (Neo 2) |
de(mac) | German (Macintosh) |
de(mac_nodeadkeys) | German (Macintosh, eliminate dead keys) |
de(dsb) | Lower Sorbian |
de(dsb_qwertz) | Lower Sorbian (qwertz) |
de(qwerty) | German (qwerty) |
de(tr) | Turkish (Germany) |
de(ru) | Russian (Germany, phonetic) |
de(deadtilde) | German (dead tilde) |
gr | Greek |
gr(simple) | Greek (simple) |
gr(extended) | Greek (extended) |
gr(nodeadkeys) | Greek (eliminate dead keys) |
gr(polytonic) | Greek (polytonic) |
hu | Hungarian |
hu(standard) | Hungarian (standard) |
hu(nodeadkeys) | Hungarian (eliminate dead keys) |
hu(qwerty) | Hungarian (qwerty) |
hu(101_qwertz_comma_dead) | Hungarian (101/qwertz/comma/dead keys) |
hu(101_qwertz_comma_nodead) | Hungarian (101/qwertz/comma/eliminate dead keys) |
hu(101_qwertz_dot_dead) | Hungarian (101/qwertz/dot/dead keys) |
hu(101_qwertz_dot_nodead) | Hungarian (101/qwertz/dot/eliminate dead keys) |
hu(101_qwerty_comma_dead) | Hungarian (101/qwerty/comma/dead keys) |
hu(101_qwerty_comma_nodead) | Hungarian (101/qwerty/comma/eliminate dead keys) |
hu(101_qwerty_dot_dead) | Hungarian (101/qwerty/dot/dead keys) |
hu(101_qwerty_dot_nodead) | Hungarian (101/qwerty/dot/eliminate dead keys) |
hu(102_qwertz_comma_dead) | Hungarian (102/qwertz/comma/dead keys) |
hu(102_qwertz_comma_nodead) | Hungarian (102/qwertz/comma/eliminate dead keys) |
hu(102_qwertz_dot_dead) | Hungarian (102/qwertz/dot/dead keys) |
hu(102_qwertz_dot_nodead) | Hungarian (102/qwertz/dot/eliminate dead keys) |
hu(102_qwerty_comma_dead) | Hungarian (102/qwerty/comma/dead keys) |
hu(102_qwerty_comma_nodead) | Hungarian (102/qwerty/comma/eliminate dead keys) |
hu(102_qwerty_dot_dead) | Hungarian (102/qwerty/dot/dead keys) |
hu(102_qwerty_dot_nodead) | Hungarian (102/qwerty/dot/eliminate dead keys) |
is | Icelandic |
is(Sundeadkeys) | Icelandic (Sun dead keys) |
is(nodeadkeys) | Icelandic (eliminate dead keys) |
is(mac_legacy) | Icelandic (Macintosh, legacy) |
is(mac) | Icelandic (Macintosh) |
is(dvorak) | Icelandic (Dvorak) |
il | Hebrew |
il(lyx) | Hebrew (lyx) |
il(phonetic) | Hebrew (phonetic) |
il(biblical) | Hebrew (Biblical, Tiro) |
it | Italian |
it(nodeadkeys) | Italian (eliminate dead keys) |
it(winkeys) | Italian (Winkeys) |
it(mac) | Italian (Macintosh) |
it(us) | Italian (US keyboard with Italian letters) |
it(geo) | Georgian (Italy) |
it(ibm) | Italian (IBM 142) |
jp | Japanese |
jp(kana) | Japanese (Kana) |
jp(kana86) | Japanese (Kana 86) |
jp(OADG109A) | Japanese (OADG 109A) |
jp(mac) | Japanese (Macintosh) |
jp(dvorak) | Japanese (Dvorak) |
kg | Kyrgyz |
kg(phonetic) | Kyrgyz (phonetic) |
kh | Khmer (Cambodia) |
kz | Kazakh |
kz(ruskaz) | Russian (Kazakhstan, with Kazakh) |
kz(kazrus) | Kazakh (with Russian) |
kz(ext) | Kazakh (extended) |
la | Lao |
la(stea) | Lao (STEA proposed standard layout) |
latam | Spanish (Latin American) |
latam(nodeadkeys) | Spanish (Latin American, eliminate dead keys) |
latam(deadtilde) | Spanish (Latin American, include dead tilde) |
latam(sundeadkeys) | Spanish (Latin American, Sun dead keys) |
latam(dvorak) | Spanish (Latin American, Dvorak) |
lt | Lithuanian |
lt(std) | Lithuanian (standard) |
lt(us) | Lithuanian (US keyboard with Lithuanian letters) |
lt(ibm) | Lithuanian (IBM LST 1205-92) |
lt(lekp) | Lithuanian (LEKP) |
lt(lekpa) | Lithuanian (LEKPa) |
lv | Latvian |
lv(apostrophe) | Latvian (apostrophe variant) |
lv(tilde) | Latvian (tilde variant) |
lv(fkey) | Latvian (F variant) |
lv(modern) | Latvian (modern) |
lv(ergonomic) | Latvian (ergonomic, ŪGJRMV) |
lv(adapted) | Latvian (adapted) |
mao | Maori |
me | Montenegrin |
me(cyrillic) | Montenegrin (Cyrillic) |
me(cyrillicyz) | Montenegrin (Cyrillic, ZE and ZHE swapped) |
me(latinunicode) | Montenegrin (Latin Unicode) |
me(latinyz) | Montenegrin (Latin qwerty) |
me(latinunicodeyz) | Montenegrin (Latin Unicode qwerty) |
me(cyrillicalternatequotes) | Montenegrin (Cyrillic with guillemets) |
me(latinalternatequotes) | Montenegrin (Latin with guillemets) |
mk | Macedonian |
mk(nodeadkeys) | Macedonian (eliminate dead keys) |
mt | Maltese |
mt(us) | Maltese (with US layout) |
mn | Mongolian |
no | Norwegian |
no(nodeadkeys) | Norwegian (eliminate dead keys) |
no(winkeys) | Norwegian (Winkeys) |
no(dvorak) | Norwegian (Dvorak) |
no(smi) | Northern Saami (Norway) |
no(smi_nodeadkeys) | Northern Saami (Norway, eliminate dead keys) |
no(mac) | Norwegian (Macintosh) |
no(mac_nodeadkeys) | Norwegian (Macintosh, eliminate dead keys) |
no(colemak) | Norwegian (Colemak) |
pl | Polish |
pl(legacy) | Polish (legacy) |
pl(qwertz) | Polish (qwertz) |
pl(dvorak) | Polish (Dvorak) |
pl(dvorak_quotes) | Polish (Dvorak, Polish quotes on quotemark key) |
pl(dvorak_altquotes) | Polish (Dvorak, Polish quotes on key 1) |
pl(csb) | Kashubian |
pl(szl) | Silesian |
pl(ru_phonetic_dvorak) | Russian (Poland, phonetic Dvorak) |
pl(dvp) | Polish (programmer Dvorak) |
pt | Portuguese |
pt(nodeadkeys) | Portuguese (eliminate dead keys) |
pt(sundeadkeys) | Portuguese (Sun dead keys) |
pt(mac) | Portuguese (Macintosh) |
pt(mac_nodeadkeys) | Portuguese (Macintosh, eliminate dead keys) |
pt(mac_sundeadkeys) | Portuguese (Macintosh, Sun dead keys) |
pt(nativo) | Portuguese (Nativo) |
pt(nativo-us) | Portuguese (Nativo for US keyboards) |
pt(nativo-epo) | Esperanto (Portugal, Nativo) |
ro | Romanian |
ro(cedilla) | Romanian (cedilla) |
ro(std) | Romanian (standard) |
ro(std_cedilla) | Romanian (standard cedilla) |
ro(winkeys) | Romanian (WinKeys) |
ru | Russian |
ru(phonetic) | Russian (phonetic) |
ru(phonetic_winkeys) | Russian (phonetic WinKeys) |
ru(typewriter) | Russian (typewriter) |
ru(legacy) | Russian (legacy) |
ru(typewriter-legacy) | Russian (typewriter, legacy) |
ru(tt) | Tatar |
ru(os_legacy) | Ossetian (legacy) |
ru(os_winkeys) | Ossetian (WinKeys) |
ru(cv) | Chuvash |
ru(cv_latin) | Chuvash (Latin) |
ru(udm) | Udmurt |
ru(kom) | Komi |
ru(sah) | Yakut |
ru(xal) | Kalmyk |
ru(dos) | Russian (DOS) |
ru(mac) | Russian (Macintosh) |
ru(srp) | Serbian (Russia) |
ru(bak) | Bashkirian |
ru(chm) | Mari |
ru(phonetic_azerty) | Russian (phonetic azerty) |
ru(phonetic_dvorak) | Russian (phonetic dvorak) |
ru(phonetic_fr) | Russian (phonetic French) |
rs | Serbian |
rs(yz) | Serbian (Cyrillic, ZE and ZHE swapped) |
rs(latin) | Serbian (Latin) |
rs(latinunicode) | Serbian (Latin Unicode) |
rs(latinyz) | Serbian (Latin qwerty) |
rs(latinunicodeyz) | Serbian (Latin Unicode qwerty) |
rs(alternatequotes) | Serbian (Cyrillic with guillemets) |
rs(latinalternatequotes) | Serbian (Latin with guillemets) |
rs(rue) | Pannonian Rusyn |
si | Slovenian |
si(alternatequotes) | Slovenian (with guillemets for quotes) |
si(us) | Slovenian (US keyboard with Slovenian letters) |
sk | Slovak |
sk(bksl) | Slovak (extended Backslash) |
sk(qwerty) | Slovak (qwerty) |
sk(qwerty_bksl) | Slovak (qwerty, extended Backslash) |
es | Spanish |
es(nodeadkeys) | Spanish (eliminate dead keys) |
es(winkeys) | Spanish (Winkeys) |
es(deadtilde) | Spanish (include dead tilde) |
es(sundeadkeys) | Spanish (Sun dead keys) |
es(dvorak) | Spanish (Dvorak) |
es(ast) | Asturian (Spain, with bottom-dot H and bottom-dot L) |
es(cat) | Catalan (Spain, with middle-dot L) |
es(mac) | Spanish (Macintosh) |
se | Swedish |
se(nodeadkeys) | Swedish (eliminate dead keys) |
se(dvorak) | Swedish (Dvorak) |
se(rus) | Russian (Sweden, phonetic) |
se(rus_nodeadkeys) | Russian (Sweden, phonetic, eliminate dead keys) |
se(smi) | Northern Saami (Sweden) |
se(mac) | Swedish (Macintosh) |
se(svdvorak) | Swedish (Svdvorak) |
se(swl) | Swedish Sign Language |
ch | German (Switzerland) |
ch(legacy) | German (Switzerland, legacy) |
ch(de_nodeadkeys) | German (Switzerland, eliminate dead keys) |
ch(de_sundeadkeys) | German (Switzerland, Sun dead keys) |
ch(fr) | French (Switzerland) |
ch(fr_nodeadkeys) | French (Switzerland, eliminate dead keys) |
ch(fr_sundeadkeys) | French (Switzerland, Sun dead keys) |
ch(fr_mac) | French (Switzerland, Macintosh) |
ch(de_mac) | German (Switzerland, Macintosh) |
sy | Arabic (Syria) |
sy(syc) | Syriac |
sy(syc_phonetic) | Syriac (phonetic) |
sy(ku) | Kurdish (Syria, Latin Q) |
sy(ku_f) | Kurdish (Syria, F) |
sy(ku_alt) | Kurdish (Syria, Latin Alt-Q) |
tj | Tajik |
tj(legacy) | Tajik (legacy) |
lk | Sinhala (phonetic) |
lk(tam_unicode) | Tamil (Sri Lanka, Unicode) |
lk(tam_TAB) | Tamil (Sri Lanka, TAB Typewriter) |
lk(us) | Sinhala (US keyboard with Sinhala letters) |
th | Thai |
th(tis) | Thai (TIS-820.2538) |
th(pat) | Thai (Pattachote) |
tr | Turkish |
tr(f) | Turkish (F) |
tr(alt) | Turkish (Alt-Q) |
tr(sundeadkeys) | Turkish (Sun dead keys) |
tr(ku) | Kurdish (Turkey, Latin Q) |
tr(ku_f) | Kurdish (Turkey, F) |
tr(ku_alt) | Kurdish (Turkey, Latin Alt-Q) |
tr(intl) | Turkish (international with dead keys) |
tr(crh) | Crimean Tatar (Turkish Q) |
tr(crh_f) | Crimean Tatar (Turkish F) |
tr(crh_alt) | Crimean Tatar (Turkish Alt-Q) |
tw | Taiwanese |
tw(indigenous) | Taiwanese (indigenous) |
tw(saisiyat) | Saisiyat (Taiwan) |
ua | Ukrainian |
ua(phonetic) | Ukrainian (phonetic) |
ua(typewriter) | Ukrainian (typewriter) |
ua(winkeys) | Ukrainian (WinKeys) |
ua(legacy) | Ukrainian (legacy) |
ua(rstu) | Ukrainian (standard RSTU) |
ua(rstu_ru) | Russian (Ukraine, standard RSTU) |
ua(homophonic) | Ukrainian (homophonic) |
gb | English (UK) |
gb(extd) | English (UK, extended WinKeys) |
gb(intl) | English (UK, international with dead keys) |
gb(dvorak) | English (UK, Dvorak) |
gb(dvorakukp) | English (UK, Dvorak with UK punctuation) |
gb(mac) | English (UK, Macintosh) |
gb(mac_intl) | English (UK, Macintosh international) |
gb(colemak) | English (UK, Colemak) |
uz | Uzbek |
uz(latin) | Uzbek (Latin) |
vn | Vietnamese |
kr | Korean |
kr(kr104) | Korean (101/104 key compatible) |
nec_vndr/jp | Japanese (PC-98xx Series) |
ie | Irish |
ie(CloGaelach) | CloGaelach |
ie(UnicodeExpert) | Irish (UnicodeExpert) |
ie(ogam) | Ogham |
ie(ogam_is434) | Ogham (IS434) |
pk | Urdu (Pakistan) |
pk(urd-crulp) | Urdu (Pakistan, CRULP) |
pk(urd-nla) | Urdu (Pakistan, NLA) |
pk(ara) | Arabic (Pakistan) |
pk(snd) | Sindhi |
mv | Dhivehi |
za | English (South Africa) |
epo | Esperanto |
epo(legacy) | Esperanto (displaced semicolon and quote, obsolete) |
np | Nepali |
ng | English (Nigeria) |
ng(igbo) | Igbo |
ng(yoruba) | Yoruba |
ng(hausa) | Hausa |
et | Amharic |
sn | Wolof |
brai | Braille |
brai(left_hand) | Braille (left hand) |
brai(right_hand) | Braille (right hand) |
tm | Turkmen |
tm(alt) | Turkmen (Alt-Q) |
ml | Bambara |
ml(fr-oss) | French (Mali, alternative) |
ml(us-mac) | English (Mali, US Macintosh) |
ml(us-intl) | English (Mali, US international) |
tz | Swahili (Tanzania) |
tg | French (Togo) |
ke | Swahili (Kenya) |
ke(kik) | Kikuyu |
bw | Tswana |
ph | Filipino |
ph(qwerty-bay) | Filipino (QWERTY Baybayin) |
ph(capewell-dvorak) | Filipino (Capewell-Dvorak Latin) |
ph(capewell-dvorak-bay) | Filipino (Capewell-Dvorak Baybayin) |
ph(capewell-qwerf2k6) | Filipino (Capewell-QWERF 2006 Latin) |
ph(capewell-qwerf2k6-bay) | Filipino (Capewell-QWERF 2006 Baybayin) |
ph(colemak) | Filipino (Colemak Latin) |
ph(colemak-bay) | Filipino (Colemak Baybayin) |
ph(dvorak) | Filipino (Dvorak Latin) |
ph(dvorak-bay) | Filipino (Dvorak Baybayin) |
md | Moldavian |
md(gag) | Moldavian (Gagauz) |
id | Indonesian (Jawi) |
my | Malay (Jawi) |
bn | Malay (Jawi) |
Switching to another layout
Option | Description |
grp:switch | Right Alt (while pressed) |
grp:lswitch | Left Alt (while pressed) |
grp:lwin_switch | Left Win (while pressed) |
grp:rwin_switch | Right Win (while pressed) |
grp:win_switch | Any Win key (while pressed) |
grp:caps_switch | Caps Lock (while pressed), Alt+Caps Lock does the original capslock action |
grp:rctrl_switch | Right Ctrl (while pressed) |
grp:toggle | Right Alt |
grp:lalt_toggle | Left Alt |
grp:caps_toggle | Caps Lock |
grp:shift_caps_toggle | Shift+Caps Lock |
grp:shift_caps_switch | Caps Lock (to first layout), Shift+Caps Lock (to last layout) |
grp:win_menu_switch | Left Win (to first layout), Right Win/Menu (to last layout) |
grp:lctrl_rctrl_switch | Left Ctrl (to first layout), Right Ctrl (to last layout) |
grp:alt_caps_toggle | Alt+Caps Lock |
grp:shifts_toggle | Both Shift keys together |
grp:alts_toggle | Both Alt keys together |
grp:ctrls_toggle | Both Ctrl keys together |
grp:ctrl_shift_toggle | Ctrl+Shift |
grp:lctrl_lshift_toggle | Left Ctrl+Left Shift |
grp:rctrl_rshift_toggle | Right Ctrl+Right Shift |
grp:ctrl_alt_toggle | Alt+Ctrl |
grp:alt_shift_toggle | Alt+Shift |
grp:lalt_lshift_toggle | Left Alt+Left Shift |
grp:alt_space_toggle | Alt+Space |
grp:menu_toggle | Menu |
grp:lwin_toggle | Left Win |
grp:win_space_toggle | Win Key+Space |
grp:rwin_toggle | Right Win |
grp:lshift_toggle | Left Shift |
grp:rshift_toggle | Right Shift |
grp:lctrl_toggle | Left Ctrl |
grp:rctrl_toggle | Right Ctrl |
grp:sclk_toggle | Scroll Lock |
grp:lctrl_lwin_rctrl_menu | LeftCtrl+LeftWin (to first layout), RightCtrl+Menu (to second layout) |
grp:lctrl_lwin_toggle | LeftCtrl+LeftWin |
Key to choose 3rd level
Option | Description |
lv3:switch | Right Ctrl |
lv3:menu_switch | Menu |
lv3:win_switch | Any Win key |
lv3:lwin_switch | Left Win |
lv3:rwin_switch | Right Win |
lv3:alt_switch | Any Alt key |
lv3:lalt_switch | Left Alt |
lv3:ralt_switch | Right Alt |
lv3:ralt_switch_multikey | Right Alt, Shift+Right Alt key is Compose |
lv3:ralt_alt | Right Alt key never chooses 3rd level |
lv3:enter_switch | Enter on keypad |
lv3:caps_switch | Caps Lock |
lv3:bksl_switch | Backslash |
lv3:lsgt_switch | <Less/Greater> |
lv3:caps_switch_latch | Caps Lock chooses 3rd level, acts as onetime lock when pressed together with another 3rd-level-chooser |
lv3:bksl_switch_latch | Backslash chooses 3rd level, acts as onetime lock when pressed together with another 3rd-level-chooser |
lv3:lsgt_switch_latch | <Less/Greater> chooses 3rd level, acts as onetime lock when pressed together with another 3rd-level-chooser |
Ctrl key position
Option | Description |
ctrl:nocaps | Caps Lock as Ctrl |
ctrl:lctrl_meta | Left Ctrl as Meta |
ctrl:swapcaps | Swap Ctrl and Caps Lock |
ctrl:ac_ctrl | At left of 'A' |
ctrl:aa_ctrl | At bottom left |
ctrl:rctrl_ralt | Right Ctrl as Right Alt |
ctrl:menu_rctrl | Menu as Right Ctrl |
ctrl:swap_lalt_lctl | Swap Left Alt key with Left Ctrl key |
ctrl:swap_lwin_lctl | Swap Left Win key with Left Ctrl key |
ctrl:swap_rwin_rctl | Swap Right Win key with Right Ctrl key |
ctrl:swap_lalt_lctl_lwin | Left Alt as Ctrl, Left Ctrl as Win, Left Win as Alt |
Use keyboard LED to show alternative layout
Option | Description |
grp_led:num | Num Lock |
grp_led:caps | Caps Lock |
grp_led:scroll | Scroll Lock |
Layout of numeric keypad
Option | Description |
keypad:legacy | Legacy |
keypad:oss | Unicode additions (arrows and math operators) |
keypad:future | Unicode additions (arrows and math operators; math operators on default level) |
keypad:legacy_wang | Legacy Wang 724 |
keypad:oss_wang | Wang 724 keypad with Unicode additions (arrows and math operators) |
keypad:future_wang | Wang 724 keypad with Unicode additions (arrows and math operators; math operators on default level) |
keypad:hex | Hexadecimal |
keypad:atm | ATM/phone-style |
Numeric keypad delete key behaviour
Option | Description |
kpdl:dot | Legacy key with dot |
kpdl:comma | Legacy key with comma |
kpdl:dotoss | Four-level key with dot |
kpdl:dotoss_latin9 | Four-level key with dot, Latin-9 only |
kpdl:commaoss | Four-level key with comma |
kpdl:momayyezoss | Four-level key with momayyez |
kpdl:kposs | Four-level key with abstract separators |
kpdl:semi | Semicolon on third level |
Caps Lock key behavior
Option | Description |
caps:internal | „Caps Lock uses internal capitalization; Shift “„pauses“„ Caps Lock“ |
caps:internal_nocancel | Caps Lock uses internal capitalization; Shift doesn't affect Caps Lock |
caps:shift | „Caps Lock acts as Shift with locking; Shift “„pauses“„ Caps Lock“ |
caps:shift_nocancel | Caps Lock acts as Shift with locking; Shift doesn't affect Caps Lock |
caps:capslock | Caps Lock toggles normal capitalization of alphabetic characters |
caps:shiftlock | Caps Lock toggles ShiftLock (affects all keys) |
caps:swapescape | Swap ESC and Caps Lock |
caps:escape | Make Caps Lock an additional ESC |
caps:backspace | Make Caps Lock an additional Backspace |
caps:super | Make Caps Lock an additional Super |
caps:hyper | Make Caps Lock an additional Hyper |
caps:menu | Make Caps Lock an additional Menu key |
caps:numlock | Make Caps Lock an additional Num Lock |
caps:ctrl_modifier | Caps Lock is also a Ctrl |
caps:none | Caps Lock is disabled |
Alt/Win key behavior
Option | Description |
altwin:menu | Add the standard behavior to Menu key |
altwin:meta_alt | Alt and Meta are on Alt keys |
altwin:alt_win | Alt is mapped to Win keys (and the usual Alt keys) |
altwin:ctrl_win | Ctrl is mapped to Win keys (and the usual Ctrl keys) |
altwin:ctrl_alt_win | Ctrl is mapped to Alt keys, Alt is mapped to Win keys |
altwin:meta_win | Meta is mapped to Win keys |
altwin:left_meta_win | Meta is mapped to Left Win |
altwin:hyper_win | Hyper is mapped to Win keys |
altwin:alt_super_win | Alt is mapped to Right Win, Super to Menu |
altwin:swap_lalt_lwin | Left Alt is swapped with Left Win |
altwin:swap_alt_win | Alt is swapped with Win |
altwin:prtsc_rwin | Win is mapped to PrtSc (and the usual Win key) |
Position of Compose key
Option | Description |
compose:ralt | Right Alt |
compose:lwin | Left Win |
compose:lwin-altgr | 3rd level of Left Win |
compose:rwin | Right Win |
compose:rwin-altgr | 3rd level of Right Win |
compose:menu | Menu |
compose:menu-altgr | 3rd level of Menu |
compose:lctrl | Left Ctrl |
compose:lctrl-altgr | 3rd level of Left Ctrl |
compose:rctrl | Right Ctrl |
compose:rctrl-altgr | 3rd level of Right Ctrl |
compose:caps | Caps Lock |
compose:caps-altgr | 3rd level of Caps Lock |
compose:102 | <Less/Greater> |
compose:102-altgr | 3rd level of <Less/Greater> |
compose:paus | Pause |
compose:prsc | PrtSc |
compose:sclk | Scroll Lock |
Miscellaneous compatibility options
Option | Description |
numpad:pc | Default numeric keypad keys |
numpad:mac | Numeric keypad keys always enter digits (as in Mac OS) |
numpad:microsoft | NumLock on: digits, Shift switches to arrow keys, Numlock off: always arrow keys (as in MS Windows) |
numpad:shift3 | Shift does not cancel Num Lock, chooses 3rd level instead |
srvrkeys:none | Special keys (Ctrl+Alt+<key>) handled in a server |
apple:alupckeys | Apple Aluminium Keyboard: emulate PC keys (Print, Scroll Lock, Pause, Num Lock) |
shift:breaks_caps | Shift cancels Caps Lock |
misc:typo | Enable extra typographic characters |
shift:both_capslock | Both Shift keys together toggle Caps Lock |
shift:both_capslock_cancel | Both Shift keys together activate Caps Lock, one Shift key deactivates |
shift:both_shiftlock | Both Shift keys together toggle ShiftLock |
keypad:pointerkeys | Shift + NumLock toggles PointerKeys |
grab:break_actions | Allow breaking grabs with keyboard actions (warning: security risk) |
grab:debug | Allow grab and window tree logging |
Adding currency signs to certain keys
Option | Description |
eurosign:e | Euro on E |
eurosign:2 | Euro on 2 |
eurosign:4 | Euro on 4 |
eurosign:5 | Euro on 5 |
rupeesign:4 | Rupee on 4 |
Key to choose 5th level
Option | Description |
lv5:lsgt_switch_lock | <Less/Greater> chooses 5th level, locks when pressed together with another 5th-level-chooser |
lv5:ralt_switch_lock | Right Alt chooses 5th level, locks when pressed together with another 5th-level-chooser |
lv5:lwin_switch_lock | Left Win chooses 5th level, locks when pressed together with another 5th-level-chooser |
lv5:rwin_switch_lock | Right Win chooses 5th level, locks when pressed together with another 5th-level-chooser |
Using space key to input non-breakable space character
Option | Description |
nbsp:none | Usual space at any level |
nbsp:level2 | Non-breakable space character at second level |
nbsp:level3 | Non-breakable space character at third level |
nbsp:level3s | Non-breakable space character at third level, nothing at fourth level |
nbsp:level3n | Non-breakable space character at third level, thin non-breakable space character at fourth level |
nbsp:level4 | Non-breakable space character at fourth level |
nbsp:level4n | Non-breakable space character at fourth level, thin non-breakable space character at sixth level |
nbsp:level4nl | Non-breakable space character at fourth level, thin non-breakable space character at sixth level (via Ctrl+Shift) |
nbsp:zwnj2 | Zero-width non-joiner character at second level |
nbsp:zwnj2zwj3 | Zero-width non-joiner character at second level, zero-width joiner character at third level |
nbsp:zwnj2zwj3nb4 | Zero-width non-joiner character at second level, zero-width joiner character at third level, non-breakable space character at fourth level |
nbsp:zwnj2nb3 | Zero-width non-joiner character at second level, non-breakable space character at third level |
nbsp:zwnj2nb3s | Zero-width non-joiner character at second level, non-breakable space character at third level, nothing at fourth level |
nbsp:zwnj2nb3zwj4 | Zero-width non-joiner character at second level, non-breakable space character at third level, zero-width joiner at fourth level |
nbsp:zwnj2nb3nnb4 | Zero-width non-joiner character at second level, non-breakable space character at third level, thin non-breakable space at fourth level |
nbsp:zwnj3zwj4 | Zero-width non-joiner character at third level, zero-width joiner at fourth level |
Japanese keyboard options
Option | Description |
japan:kana_lock | Kana Lock key is locking |
japan:nicola_f_bs | NICOLA-F style Backspace |
japan:hztg_escape | Make Zenkaku Hankaku an additional ESC |
Korean Hangul/Hanja keys
Option | Description |
korean:hw_keys | Hardware Hangul/Hanja keys |
korean:ralt_rctrl | Right Alt as Hangul, right Ctrl as Hanja |
korean:rctrl_ralt | Right Ctrl as Hangul, right Alt as Hanja |
Adding Esperanto supersigned letters
Option | Description |
esperanto:qwerty | To the corresponding key in a Qwerty layout |
esperanto:dvorak | To the corresponding key in a Dvorak layout |
esperanto:colemak | To the corresponding key in a Colemak layout |
Maintain key compatibility with old Solaris keycodes
Option | Description |
solaris:sun_compat | Sun Key compatibility |
Key sequence to kill the X server
Option | Description |
terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp | Ctrl + Alt + Backspace |
openbsd/manpage_xkeyboard-config.1579720434.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/05/16 20:29 (Externe Bearbeitung)